We want to deliver an exemplary site, which delivers a community that is truly inter-generational and almost completely self-sufficient. To start this, we carried out a Local Precedent Survey in October 2016 which is a key part in the process of bringing forward proposals for new places. This went on to shape our Masterplan.
At the consultations we will be able to show you the full Masterplan which outlines all aspects of the site, it is also available to download here. The key details of the proposal are:
- Up to 1,500 beautifully designed sustainable homes which cater for, and appeal to, a diverse community including affordable housing
- Outstanding green space, including the addition of 100,000 trees along with a fantastic array of recreational facilities
- A wide range of local jobs within easy distance to homes
- Integrated and accessible transport systems with walking, cycling and public transport the most attractive choice
- First class education including a nursery and primary school, with the aspiration for an all-through secondary school
- Flexible buildings which adapt to the needs of the user
- Long term stewardship so the exemplary standards will remain
- Unrivalled energy performance with a target of 80% sustainability
The outline and phasing of the Masterplan is shown below. We have also created our full Masterplan document which guides you through all aspects of the proposed development.